Andrew Leone is CEO of Opyn and was previously the project’s director of research.
Work Experience
Relevance Person
Alexis Gauba
Alexis Gauba is Co-Founder at Opyn, Mechanism Labs, and she holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley and has conducted research at CalBlockchain.
Aparna Krishnan
Build things rather than adjust things. Co-founder of Mechanism Labs, UC Berkeley, ex-Head of Education Blockchain at Berkeley, Thiel Fellowship. Aparna is a Thiel Fellow and the co-founder of Mechanism Labs, a research & development lab focused on cryptocurrency adoption in emerging markets and DeFi. She was the former Head of Education and Executive VP at Blockchain at Berkeley teaching the world’s largest university accredited blockchain course.
Zubin Koticha
Zubin Koticha is the ex-CEO and Co-Founder of Opyn.